Reflective learning in the teaching of physics: the path to the development of logical thinking


  • Joel Meriño-Alcolea Secundaria Básica Espino-Fernández, Santiago de Cuba
  • Jorge Montoya-Rivera Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
  • Ibón Leonor Lahera-Cabrales Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


logical thought, reflexive learning, teaching learning process, Physic teaching


Characterized by progress at present sue to the progress the society is reaching, it constitutes a nee the teaching learning process, this pedagogic as a science intends to give answer to some of this inquires. With the development among this Physics, it occurs process too develop the logical thought tin the students and within them to favor the training the scientific thought. The preset piece of work has as objective to analyze the need of the reflexive learning throughout the learning of Physic as subject of the Junior High School so as to propitiate the development of the logical thought. It meant the role of the teacher at orienting during the teaching learning process and the procedures that in include the students to promote a reflexive learning.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2018). Reflective learning in the teaching of physics: the path to the development of logical thinking. Maestro Y Sociedad, 15(4), 769–780. Retrieved from




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