Integrated organization of the functional components from the disciplines of the Spanish-Literature career

Integrated organization of the functional components from the disciplines of the Spanish-Literature career


  • Yusmila Felipe-Puebla Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Eufemia Figueroa-Corrales Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Alejandro Arturo Ramos-Banteurt Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


componentes funcionales, eje transversal, organización epistemográfica, functional components, transversal axis, epistemographic organization


In the article, the results derived from the methodology for the integrated organization of the functional components of the language are socialized as part of the investigative training of the student of the Bachelor of Education in Spanish-Literature. It starts from considering that the transversal axis of the disciplines. The results of the participant observation, the in-depth interview and the expert criteria, allowed us to verify the effectiveness of the methodology and recognize the significant advances that benefit the investigative aspirations embodied in the professional model. In its realization, theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used that allowed the collection and analysis of the necessary information to explain the existing problem and propose a methodology as ways to solve it.


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How to Cite

Felipe-Puebla, Y. ., Figueroa-Corrales, E. ., & Ramos-Banteurt, A. A. . (2022). Integrated organization of the functional components from the disciplines of the Spanish-Literature career : Integrated organization of the functional components from the disciplines of the Spanish-Literature career . Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(4), 1918–1926. Retrieved from




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