Dance and its theoretical-practical conditions to cultivate the environment in the university context




Environment, environmental culture, articulating link of knowledge, environmental awareness.


The records of the environmental training of education professionals configure a need on the intellectual plane, since the new knowledge on the subject in question is dimensional; since there are international movements that emerged in response to the growing environmental deterioration accumulated in the middle of the last century. On the other hand, dance is a cultural activity that is given in the anonymous popular traditions, in which it contains a complex technical framework. The work provides a system of dance workshops to develop environmental culture from the optional curriculum in the university context. In addition, the analysis-synthesis methods and the system approach were used for a logic in terms of the theoretical and practical elements. The results are given in weighing the environmental culture from the appreciation and the dance creation, and thus promote an environmental awareness on the basis of protecting our natural wealth.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2021). Dance and its theoretical-practical conditions to cultivate the environment in the university context: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(1), 349–362. Retrieved from




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