The education healthy convivencial in the student of the Degree in Education. Preschooler




education, convivencial, formation, professional and healthy


The present study considers the inadequacies that are presented in the interpersonal relationships of the students of the career that limit its performance ways in its acting contexts, being observed theoretical nature lacks and derived practice of the theoretical and empiric methods, such as analysis and synthesis, hermeneutic-dialectical, the revision of documents, observation, interviews and statistical mathematical, the percentage calculation, which contributed the necessary information starting from the approached inadequacies. To give answer to the problem that is expressed, the main results starting from the elaboration a pedagogic strategy for the formation of an education healthy convivencial sustained in a pedagogic model that reveals the essential particularities of this process, from the initial formation of the professional of the education preschooler. Its application in the educational practice threw a transformation in its styles of healthy coexistence that it favors the change of attitudes behavior in the students.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2021). The education healthy convivencial in the student of the Degree in Education. Preschooler: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(1), 335–348. Retrieved from




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