Learn to teach: a path for the architect-teacher




teaching architect, learning to teach


In Peru, it is often considered that to teach in the design workshop of some architecture faculty, it is enough to be an architect, hence having some formation in pedagogy is not considered essential. Most teachers start casually, it is considered sufficient to have the will to teach, have knowledge of architecture, and to replicate, with some variations, the way in which they were trained during their career years. The teaching model in the design workshop has not undergone major changes over the decades, it is learned in an empirical and intuitive way, focusing on practice. However, the needs and demands of today's society require new strategies to achieve adequate responses. It is necessary to incorporate pedagogical criteria that allow comprehensive training corresponding to current requirements. The current legal framework for higher education has initiated necessary changes in this regard. What remains is for teachers-architects and universities to internalize the spirit of the law, not just the text, and to build new approaches to what higher education in architecture refers to.


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How to Cite

, & . (2020). Learn to teach: a path for the architect-teacher: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 17(3), 521–531. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/5219




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