The Socio-emotional Dimension of Digital Competence in the framework of Global Citizenship
digital competence, socio-emotional dimension, global citizenship, relevant learning.Abstract
The accelerated advance of digital technologies has generated the transmutation from being citizens of a nation to being citizens of the world. In the educational field, this global citizenship has a significant expression in virtual learning environments, as interactive spaces that require collaboration and communication between the actors of the educational process to achieve relevant learning. For this, the development of digital competence is required from a perspective that transcends the technical or operational use of technologies, and places emphasis on socio-emotional aspects that stimulate the teaching-learning process mediated by ICT. In this sense, the study present is specified in a documentary research that reveals the importance of empathy and conflict resolution as essential aspects of the socio-emotional dimension of digital competence in the framework of global citizenship, and its impact on the achievement of relevant learning in virtual environments, dynamized by multiple training alternatives that are identified and systematized, with the intention of offering it as a tool to the educational community.
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