Bellaloma Project. Way to train university students as promoters of rural mountain culture


  • Esnaidel Cardoza-Ramírez Universidad de Oriente
  • Carlos Albenis Rodríguez-Fernández Universidad de Oriente


Cultural promoter, university student, mountain culture


The preservation of living conditions in mountainous territories is given special attention today. The Universidad de Oriente has programs and projects that have been set up for this purpose. In the mountainous territories of the Second Front there are currently problems that affect the development of the territory. Many community members long for other times when the peasants were very hospitable and gentle, where courtesy and respect reigned; and the autochthonous cultural manifestations dominated the life in the mountains, nevertheless at the moment a disrespectful vocabulary is listened to frequently, that distances of which traditionally they have been values of the villager. The inhabitants generally prefer to listen to urban music, forgetting their traditions and roots, in this sense this work is proposed as a goal: to develop a socio-cultural project that contributes to the formation of the students of the Degree in Primary Education as promoters of the rural mountain culture.


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How to Cite

, & . (2019). Bellaloma Project. Way to train university students as promoters of rural mountain culture. Maestro Y Sociedad, 16(3), 534–546. Retrieved from




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