Strategy for improving the solution of mathematical problems by fourth grade students of the Nuestra Señora de Fátima School


  • María Roxana Apolinario Parrales Unidad Educativa Prof. “Eduardo Flores Torres” de Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Maricruz Justina Zamora Vinces Escuela de Educación Básica “Nuestra Señora de Fátima”, Ecuador
  • Wilber Ortiz Aguilar Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Carlos Manuel Hernández Hechavarría Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


problems, mathematics, education, fourth grade


Introduction: The importance of solving mathematical problems is recognized by the scientific community and the governing documents of the teaching-learning process in the fourth grade of Basic General Education, but difficulties remain that do not favor the best performance of students. Materials and methods: based on them and through the application of theoretical and empirical methods, a strategy for teaching - learning of mathematics was developed, which, taking into account a diagnosis of difficulties in solving mathematical problems by students, develops the contents with an
adequate balance between explanations, exemplifications and cognitive impulses to the students and, the investigative activities and problems (individual and group) that are posed to the students. Results: The strategy is structured into a general objective and four stages: diagnosis of difficulties in solving mathematical problems by fourth grade students of the “Our Lady of Fátima” School, preparation or selection of investigative activities and problems that will be posed
to the students. students and, execution of investigative activities and problems seeking greater independence and creativity of the students. Discussion: In each stage, the actions that allow the achievement of its specific objective
are specified. Conclusions: To carry out an assessment of the impact of the strategy in improving problem solving, two evaluations were carried out on thirty-four students, one initial, before the use of the strategy and a subsequent one, using the qualitative scale that is generally used for the evaluation of learning, but linking said learning to the solution of problems, said scale: masters the required learning (DAR), achieves the required learning (AAR ), close to achieving the required learning (DAR) and does not reach the required learning (NAR).


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How to Cite

Apolinario Parrales, M. R., Zamora Vinces, M. J., Ortiz Aguilar, W., & Hernández Hechavarría, C. M. (2024). Strategy for improving the solution of mathematical problems by fourth grade students of the Nuestra Señora de Fátima School. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 22–28. Retrieved from




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