Improvement of the mathematical performance of fifth grade students of basic general education through student research activities


  • Rosario Margoth Arias Baño Escuela “Rafael Cruz Cevallos” de Quito, Ecuador
  • Germania Cesilia Monar Mantilla Escuela “Rafael Cruz Cevallos” de Quito, Ecuador
  • Wilber Ortiz Aguilar Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Carlos Manuel Hernández Hechavarría Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


mathematical performance, basic education, strategy


Mathematical performance is an extremely important aspect in the training of students that requires greater attention in the fifth grade of Basic General Education (EGB), from science the scientific problem is specified: how to contribute to the improvement of the mathematical performance of students. fifth grade students of the EGB, assuming the teachinglearning of mathematics in the fifth grade as the object of the research, and general objective: development of a strategy to improve the mathematical performance of fifth grade students of the EGB. The study of scientific and didactic literature reveals that research activities by students and the Nearpod can contribute to the improvement of their mathematical performance, but certain essential links between them are not sufficiently highlighted, revealing theoretical and practical gaps. This article defends the idea: if a strategy is used for the teaching-learning of mathematics in the fifth grade of Basic General Education in Ecuador, which coherently integrates research activities of students with the assistance of Nearpod, within the framework of the curriculum Prioritized with emphasis on communication, mathematics, digital and socioemotional competencies, students' mathematical performance is improved. The strategy presented is structured into a general objective, four stages with their respective objectives and actions, supported by the foundations previously stated. The strategy is introduced in the “Rafael Cruz Cevallos” school, involving 68 fifth grade students, obtaining satisfactory results shown in a table, with quantitative and qualitative scales four levels: very low, low, medium and high.


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How to Cite

Arias Baño, R. M., Monar Mantilla, G. C., Ortiz Aguilar, W., & Hernández Hechavarría, C. M. (2024). Improvement of the mathematical performance of fifth grade students of basic general education through student research activities. Maestro Y Sociedad, 327–333. Retrieved from



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