Results of the active investigation as a strategy to confront COVID-19 in the ¨Victoria de Girón¨ Teaching Polyclinic

Results of the active investigation as a strategy to confront COVID-19 in the ¨Victoria de Girón¨ Teaching Polyclinic


  • Raiza Fernández Sosa Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Katia Aguilera Díaz Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Roiquel Roibal Martínez Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Maidilis Beltrán Moret Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


Medical students, Primary Health Care, active research, Covid- 19


Introduction: In Primary Health Care, active investigations stand out to detect and diagnose, early, the largest number of individuals who can be offered the possibility of timely and effective treatment. The purpose of the research was to describe the results of the active investigation as a strategy to deal with COVID-19 at the "Victoria de Girón" Teaching Polyclinic in the Palma Soriano municipality during the period April - June 2021. Materials and methods: For this, an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out with the results of the active research carried out by students and teachers to identify people with respiratory symptoms; as well as the percentage calculation was used as a descriptive method. Results: Medical Sciences students, as part of their training process, were able to assume the responsibilities that this profession implies; not only to acquire cognitive independence but also to correctly apply the clinical-epidemiological method and to appropriate ethical values, since this career is characterized by solidarity and humanism. Discussion: The perception of risk is deeply linked to the development of self-awareness, self-assessment, emotions, convictions and will and values such as responsibility, respect and solidarity, aspects that were progressively achieved, with the participation of the different actors of the community. Conclusions: It is concluded that the active research work to confront COVID-19 with students and teachers of Medicine in the Family Medical Offices 23-24 contributed to the early detection of symptoms and signs suggestive of COVID-19, which which allowed early entry of cases.


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How to Cite

Fernández Sosa, R., Aguilera Díaz, K., Roibal Martínez, R., & Beltrán Moret, M. (2023). Results of the active investigation as a strategy to confront COVID-19 in the ¨Victoria de Girón¨ Teaching Polyclinic: Results of the active investigation as a strategy to confront COVID-19 in the ¨Victoria de Girón¨ Teaching Polyclinic. Maestro Y Sociedad, 55–61. Retrieved from



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