Pleasures and Preferences in the Cultural Recreation of the students in the community of the Universidad de Oriente




Recreational processes, leisure, recreation, free time


Extensionist processes in the university context are take part in the student body's integral development increasing the power of intervening capabilities an adequate use of the free time of the same. I link in the recreational options when it breaks said the dynamics in the university context is affected. The application of methods and empiric techniques and theoreticians of scientific investigation, it allowed revealing like scientific Problem: Insufficient recreational cultural process that limits the satisfaction in pleasures and preferences of the students of the University of Orient. Specifying like objective: Determining pleasures and preferences in the cultural recreation of the students in the community of the University of Orient to guide the judgments in his satisfaction. Corroborating the results as from a system of actions, improving the recreational, sports and leisure options of the student body of the University of Orient to achieve a bigger interest toward the recreational processes that the university offers.


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How to Cite

, & . (2022). Pleasures and Preferences in the Cultural Recreation of the students in the community of the Universidad de Oriente: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(1), 278–292. Retrieved from


