Formative research as a strategy to articulate the university functions of research, linking and teaching




strategies; investigation; bonding; training process.


The objective is to carry out a study referring to formative research as a strategy to articulate the university functions of research, linking and teaching that allows the development of theoretical-practical formative attitudes in students who are studying at the Bahía de Caráquez Extension. Analysis of the state of the art was carried out that allowed to substantiate and argue regarding the field and object of the investigation. Through an analytical and descriptive method, a retrospective analysis of the teaching activity and its contribution to the practical activity carried out by students in the communities of the canton was carried out. The activity assignment studies made it possible to verify the relevance and responsibility of each teacher in the training process. The analysis of the participation of commercial activities allowed verifying the contributions that students have made in the transfer of knowledge in the different commercial activities of the town.


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How to Cite

, & . (2021). Formative research as a strategy to articulate the university functions of research, linking and teaching: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(1), 188–198. Retrieved from




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