Contribution of the transfer of technology through the project of linkage with society: “The Passaos undertaken with story”




contribution; bonding; transfer; knowledge; intervent


The objective of this study is to perform an analysis at the contribution level of training activities to strengthening the transfer of knowledge of students in the area of connection with society in the communities of the Sucre canton. Bibliographic reviews were carried out that contributed from the theoretical to the different contexts of entrepreneurship. Their contribution in the bonding activity is shown at the career level in order to reflect their contribution at the level of commercial activity and services in small businesses in the canton. The role of teachers, administrators and directors of the university institution is recognized in collaborating in the development of linking activities reflected in the study of student intervention in the community sector of Leónidas Plaza, where commerce represents 22 % of the premises existing followed by small gastronomic services that represent 16 %.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2020). Contribution of the transfer of technology through the project of linkage with society: “The Passaos undertaken with story”: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 17(4), 702–713. Retrieved from




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