Educational technology as tool for the preparation of early childhood professionals


  • Imilsi Sugve-Aleaga Educación Provincial, Santiago de Cuba
  • Alina Peña-García Universidad de Oriente
  • Eufemia Figueroa-Corrales Universidad de Oriente


educational technology, preparation of professionals, early childhood


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have become very useful tools in the educational field. It is important that the teacher as mediator and guide of the educational process, is trained and take as a pillar of their work paradigms that allow participation and logical reasoning. At the same time, technologies allow creating environments not only rich for learning, but also active and creative, where the student in the interaction with learning objects, and with their peers, acquire skills and abilities. The objective of this study is to demonstrate how educational technology is a necessary tool for the preparation of early childhood professionals.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2019). Educational technology as tool for the preparation of early childhood professionals. Maestro Y Sociedad, 16(1), 133–142. Retrieved from




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