Didactic resource for the teaching-learning of mathematical operations combined with fractions in the eighth year of the Chapints Educational Unit
didactic resource,teaching-learning, combined operation, solved exercisesAbstract
Introduction: The research aims to determine the effect of the exercises solved on mathematical operations combined with fractions in eighth grade students of the CHAPINTS educational unit. Materials and methods: To do this, first, a diagnosis was made on the learning of combined operations, an improvement proposal was applied using as a teaching resource a booklet with activities solved to strengthen the learning of combined operations and finally the influence of this teaching resource on the learning of combined operations. The research used is descriptive, with a pre-experimental design. Observation, field, documentary-bibliographic methods were mainly applied to a sample of 33 students in a population of the eighth grade of the CHAPINTS educational unit. Results: After using solved exercises on combined operations with fractions, a statistically significant improvement was observed in the students' performance in the post-evaluative test. Discussion: The use of solved exercises increases students' understanding of concepts and should, therefore, be applied. This is because students have the opportunity to interact with materials and with their classmates to find solutions among themselves, based on solving the problems. Conclusions: It is concluded that the research contributes significantly to the learning process of combined operations with fractions, aspects that are demonstrated through the use of solved exercises that showed improvements in the learning and academic performance of the students.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jinson Dario Martinez Oñate , Myriam Gabriela Tunki Sanchim, Katia Lisset Fernández Rodríguez, Wilber Ortiz Aguilar

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