Gamification of mathematics in fifth grade of basic general education in an Educational Unit in Ecuador
gamification, mathematics, fifth grade, primaryAbstract
Through documentary review and interviews with teachers, the scientific problem is specified: how to contribute to the achievement of teaching-learning objectives of mathematics in the Fifth grade of Basic General Education in an Educational Unit in Ecuador, framing the object of the research. in the teaching-learning of mathematics in the Fifth grade and assuming as a general objective: Development of a strategy for gamification in the teaching-learning of mathematics in the Fifth grade of Basic General Education in an Educational Unit in Ecuador that contributes to the achievement of the objectives and the idea to be defended, of a causal nature, is proposed: if a strategy is developed for gamification in the teaching-learning of mathematics in Fifth grade in an Educational Unit of Basic General Education in Ecuador, which takes into account Taking into account the relationship between the needs and potential of the students with
the research activity they develop, the achievement of the subject's objectives is favored. The strategy is appropriately structured in three stages: the first called “Diagnosis of the needs and potential of the students for the logo of the objectives of Mathematics in 5th grade”, the second “Study of possible research activities by the students based on the achievement of objectives” and the third “. Mathematical gamification and evaluation of objective achievements”, each with its corresponding objectives and actions; Furthermore, gamification is exemplified. Conduct an interview with teachers, selected for their knowledge and experiences, to evaluate the strategy, obtaining favorable criteria regarding its need and importance.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ofelia Marlid Guano Castro, Edison Marcelo Guachamboza García, Wilber Ortiz Aguilar, Carlos Manuel Hernández Hechavarría
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