Pedagogical alternative to education in values through the encounter class

Pedagogical alternative to education in values through the encounter class


  • Yasmina Guilbeaux Milhet Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Yunia Zamora Cuñat Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Yelena Fernández Díaz Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Maidilis Beltrán Moret Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


pedagogical alternative, meeting class, formation of values, university student


Introduction: The teaching-learning process of higher education demands new forms of teaching, therefore, it is necessary
to change the leading role of the teacher and the learner. In this sense, the meeting class becomes an organizational
form in contemporary pedagogy that serves as a tool to achieve greater effectiveness and efficiency in the learning of
students. Objective: Elaboration of a pedagogical alternative to promote the formation of values in the students of the
Marxism-Leninism and History specialty of the Palma Soriano Municipal University Center through the meeting class.
Materials and methods: Theoretical and empirical methods were used and data collection instruments were designed
that were applied to teachers and students. Results: They confirmed the need to guide students from the meeting class
to promote education in values based on the ideas, conceptions and guidelines of the 8th Party Congress. Discussion:
In the Central Report of the 8th congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, it states: "In ideological political work it is not enough to do more of the same, creativity is required, effectively adjusting to the scenario we live in, promoting
the study of the history of country, to convey to every Cuban the message of optimism and confidence that together
we will know how to face and overcome any obstacle. In summary, a profound transformation is required aimed at
promoting the essences and values that emanate from the work of the Revolution” (8th PCC Congress, Memoirs, p.37.
The proposed alternatives constitute an important tool for teachers to promote the formation of values. Conclusions:
Through the meeting class, the quality of the teaching-learning process is favored, not only so that the student can
acquire knowledge and skills, but also provide him with a system of values that regulate professional modes of action.


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How to Cite

Guilbeaux Milhet, Y., Zamora Cuñat, Y., Fernández Díaz, Y., & Beltrán Moret, M. (2023). Pedagogical alternative to education in values through the encounter class: Pedagogical alternative to education in values through the encounter class. Maestro Y Sociedad, 341–347. Retrieved from



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