Shops of personal development and professional for the medicine student's humanist formation


  • Zoila Luisa Cedeño-Díaz Facultad de Medicina No. 2, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas
  • Homero C. Fuentes-González Hospital General Docente “Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso”, Santiago de Cub
  • Angel Deroncele-Acosta Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima
  • Yoandra Domecq-Gómez Facultad de Medicina No. 2, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas


Human formation, medicine students, interpersonal relationships, autoconcepto


The results that they are presented, after the application of a shop of personal development and professional for the medicine student's humanist formation, they show a form systematized to impact in the social competitions of the medicine students that they propitiates learning how to cohabit, to acquire positive personal resources to establish interpersonal relationships adapted in the contexts of health and therefore to favor the humanist formation. It is a shop that has 24 hours of duration; it was implemented with 25 medicine students. The analysis qualitative sample an increment in the social competitions of the same ones, corroborating that through a shop of personal development and professional for the medicine student's humanist formation the interpersonal relationships are fomented that promote the personal development and the reflection on the autoconcepto, two key elements to achieve the social competition and to propitiate an appropriate coexistence with the other ones.  


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2019). Shops of personal development and professional for the medicine student’s humanist formation. Maestro Y Sociedad, 16(4), 706–718. Retrieved from




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