Information and Communication Technologies in the teaching of Object Oriented Programming


  • Marina Almarales-Sarasola Universidad de Oriente
  • María Margarita Goire-Castilla Universidad de Oriente
  • Oscar García-Fernández Universidad de Oriente


Object Oriented Programming, Information and Communications Technologies, Teaching-Learning Process, Tutorial


Students who are studying Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering at the Oriente University, present difficulties in the learning of Object Oriented Programming. To solve this problem and taking into account the need to motivate the students for the study of the subjects Programming I and II, a tool of tutorial type based on the Information and Communication Technologies was developed. It has the objective to facilitate and support the teaching-learning process of the object-oriented paradigm using the C ++ language. In the present article the characteristics of this tutorial and its advantages from the didactic point of view are exposed, which were verified after its application.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2019). Information and Communication Technologies in the teaching of Object Oriented Programming. Maestro Y Sociedad, 16(3), 620–631. Retrieved from


