Work of the chair of scientific culture in the training of students of pedagogical careers as promoters of scientific culture


  • Esnaidel Cardoza-Ramírez Universidad de Oriente
  • Mariela Árias-Hernández Universidad de Oriente
  • Luis Hierrezuelo-Silva Universidad de Oriente


Cultural promoter, pedagogical careers, scientific culture


In the present investigation it has been verified by means of observations to the extensionist process of the Municipal University Center of Palma Soriano municipality that there is insufficient preparation in the students of pedagogical careers to perform as promoters of scientific culture in the socio-school context of the basic labor entities where they perform their practice. Its objective is to implement extension activities of the chair of scientific culture for the training of students of pedagogical tasks as promoters of scientific culture, in the socio-school context. The research assumes the qualitative methodology with quantitative elements, reason for which theoretical and empirical methods were used, in addition the percentage calculation was used. The exploration, application and evaluation of the main results were developed in the La Cuba community of the city of Palma Soriano. Favorable results were found in relation to the objective when verifying the transformations in the extension performance of the students sampled.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2019). Work of the chair of scientific culture in the training of students of pedagogical careers as promoters of scientific culture. Maestro Y Sociedad, 16(3), 559–569. Retrieved from




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