Improving the resolution of addition and subtraction problems linked to life in the third grade of the Nahim Isaías Barquet school
Problems, addition, subtraction, basic educationAbstract
Introduction: Improving the resolution of addition and subtraction problems related to life in the third grade is an important challenge for teachers and researchers, as evidenced in the scientific literature and particularly at the Nahim Isaías Barquet School, through interviews with teachers, diagnostic assessments and observations made during the teaching-learning process. Materials and methods: In accordance with the particularities of the problem, object and objective of the research, a methodology was used that goes through the stages of diagnosis, modeling of a teaching guide and its validation. Results: In the first stage, teaching and learning difficulties were diagnosed using appropriate instruments and methods. In the second stage, a teaching guide was developed that responded to the diagnosed problems and assumed foundations. It also provided examples of problems and investigative activities aimed at students, used in the introduction of this strategy in the third grade of the Nahim Isaías Barquet school. In the last stage, the guide was validated based on its impact on student learning and the criteria of teachers with sufficient training to assess the strategy. An integrative and mixed approach was used, using quantitative and qualitative elements, as well as instruments that would allow obtaining sufficient data to describe and explain the problem, the guide developed and its validation. Discussion: To assess the impact of using the guide on students, the population of third grade students from the school where the research was conducted was selected, consisting of 23 students. Two interviews were conducted with teachers, an initial interview with six teachers and a final interview with nine, who provided information relevant to the object and objective of the research. Conclusions: The teaching guide developed for improving the resolution of addition and subtraction problems related to life in the third grade of the Nahim Isaías Barquet school contributes to the solution of the problem posed that involves difficulties in teaching and learning; it provides novel elements by focusing on an adequate diagnosis, in the rural context, which is where the students live and the school is located, in addition to the particularities of each student, with attention to their development. All of this is integrated in a coherent manner for the preparation and application of investigative activities and problems on addition and subtraction.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Cristina Eufracia Cevallos Alfaro, Belgica Lucia Vasquez Ruiz, Wilber Ortiz Aguilar, Carlos Manuel Hernández Hechavarría

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