Improvement of the teaching-learning of geometry in the eighth grade of Basic General Education in the Vicente Rocafuerte Fiscal Educational Unit


  • Zoila Mercedes Quintuña Crespo Escuela de Educación General Básica, Ecuador
  • Julio Enrique Robalino Guevara Unidad Educativa Fiscal Vicente Rocafuerte, Ecuador
  • Wilber Ortiz Aguilar Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Carlos Manuel Hernández Hechavarría Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


teaching, geometry, education, basic, GeoGebra


The teaching - learning of geometry is one of the areas of mathematics where various difficulties persist and the results are not satisfactory, particularly in the eighth grade of Basic General Education at the Vicente Rocafuerte Fiscal Educational Unit. The study of the governing documents of the teaching-learning process of mathematics and complementary ones used by teachers have limitations that require enrichment and the didactic contributions of various authors pointed out in this article are not sufficiently taken advantage of. The idea is defended: if a strategy is developed for the teaching-learning of geometry in eighth grade that, based on difficulties diagnosed in the teaching-learning of geometry, determines the needs and advantages of using GeoGebra and correspondingly with them used with an investigative approach, the teaching-learning of geometry in the eighth grade is improved. For the development of the research, theoretical and empirical methods were used that allowed the achievement of the objectives. The strategy is structured into a general objective, four stages, each with a specific objective and the actions that allow it to be achieved, with the general objective of improving the teaching-learning of geometry in eighth grade. Although the actions of the strategy, taking as a reference the theoretical and practical assumption presented in the introduction, facilitate its understanding, it is exemplified by differences between two evaluation questions. To evaluate the strategy, 12 teachers were selected and interviewed, who recognized the importance of the strategy and assessed its possible impact on a qualitative scale.


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How to Cite

Quintuña Crespo, Z. M., Robalino Guevara, J. E., Ortiz Aguilar , W., & Hernández Hechavarría , C. M. (2024). Improvement of the teaching-learning of geometry in the eighth grade of Basic General Education in the Vicente Rocafuerte Fiscal Educational Unit. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(2), 866–875. Retrieved from




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