Hypnosis: alternative proposal for the treatment of academic stress

Hypnosis: alternative proposal for the treatment of academic stress


  • Raúl Boubaire Bell Escuela del MININT "Hermanos Marañón", Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Yenifer Encarnación Cobián Artimes Universidad de Ciencias Médicas. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Odalis Querts Méndez Universidad de Ciencias Médicas. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


students, academic stress, hypnotherapy, effectiveness, personality


Introduction: Hypnotic techniques are relatively easy to apply, harmless compared to other medical and psychological procedures, which is why they are considered as adjuncts to other types of scientific, clinical or therapeutic efforts. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of hypnotherapy as an alternative for the treatment of academic stress in Law students of the Higher Education Institution ¨Hermanos Marañón¨. Materials and Methods: A quasi-experimental study was carried out and for this, a sample of 25 students between 18-21 years old affected by academic stress was selected. Results: The most outstanding personality characteristics in students undergoing hypnotherapy were: tendency to aggressiveness (80%), insecurity and dependency (76% both) and need for affection (72%); the emotional symptom anxiety was the most frequent and was manifested by 86% of the patients. Discussion: In the human being, according to Guillén, (2018), a certain level of stress is necessary and even beneficial for learning. In this way, brain circuits that control attention or memory are activated, avoiding boredom. However, for learning to be optimal, the stress level cannot be excessive, because this can cause anxiety or exhaustion. Conclusions: The use of hypnotherapy as an alternative technique for the treatment of academic stress in Law students was effective, since personality qualities were modified that favored the control of emotional states, symptoms resulting from stress and strengthening of its structure. personological.


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How to Cite

Boubaire Bell, R., Cobián Artimes, Y. E., & Querts Méndez, O. (2023). Hypnosis: alternative proposal for the treatment of academic stress: Hypnosis: alternative proposal for the treatment of academic stress. Maestro Y Sociedad, 297–307. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6135



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