The physical-prophylactic educational treatment of asthmatic children in the community




physical-prophylactic treatment, asthma, children, community


The aim of the research is to evaluate the functionality of the physical-prophylactic treatment in asthmatic children belonging to the Consejo Popular Soledad of the Segundo Frente municipality. For the development of the investigation the method was applied the criterion of specialists. The processing of the data was through frequency analysis; the position statistics: arithmetic mean and median; and the dispersion statistics: standard deviation, as well as the no parametric contrast statistics, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test with a level equal to 0.05. The prophylactic treatment of asthmatic children during the maintenance stage is functional by demonstrating the achievement of significant qualitative changes in the sessions, the functional capacity of the children, the perception of effort and the physical self-concept


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How to Cite

, & . (2020). The physical-prophylactic educational treatment of asthmatic children in the community: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 17(4), 938–950. Retrieved from


