The Psychomotor in the deafblind children and Fidel Castro Ruz's thought toward an education of quality for all


  • Ydiobis Rodríguez-Magdariaga Escuela Especial para educandos con discapacidad físico motoras “Amistad Cuba Vietnam”, Santiago de Cuba
  • Martha Silvia Mancebo-Calzado Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
  • Héctor Núñez-Guzmán Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


psychomotor skills, deafblind schoolchildren, special school, hearing loss, blindness


The investigation responds to the need of attention to the pupils with deafblind as from Fidel Castro Ruz's thought toward an education of quality for all; The conception of the psychomotor like mechanism to achieve a communication made suitable with them besides reveals development areas of the student with deafblind from a cooperative and communicative focus itself with emphasis in the formation of the driving adequate stereotypies in her. It is  contributed to pupils with deafblind a pedagogic strategy for the psychomotor's development that it is held in a pedagogic model than explicit the essential particularities of this process.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2019). The Psychomotor in the deafblind children and Fidel Castro Ruz’s thought toward an education of quality for all. Maestro Y Sociedad, 58–72. Retrieved from