Integral support in the academic and psychosocial field: a strategy of the educational model of Ecuador
comprehensive support, learning, virtuality, academic field, EcuadorAbstract
Introduction: Comprehensive support in the academic field has generated much expectation at the level of university educational activity in Ecuador, this has brought to the educational plane as an objective of the learning process in creating the conditions and the environment for the development and integral well-being of students. Individual or group spaces that work on strengthening specific areas of learning to improve academic performance. The objective pursued by the inquiry was based on a diagnosis of students of the marketing degree course to measure the effectiveness of academic tutoring support by extension teachers. Materials and methods: The methodology considered that from quantitative and qualitative studies it will be investigated how to solve the current problem. The descriptive analytical method consisted of developing an interpretation of the results thrown in the applied survey where the interest of students in looking for new alternatives to develop their learning in better scenarios despite their very low financial economic status is highlighted. Results: Student pedagogical support is an in-service training strategy focused on teaching, the purpose of which must be to improve the teacher's pedagogical practice with the participation of key actors within the framework of the challenges posed by the National Educational Project. Discussion: Teachers and those involved in the teaching-learning process must support curricular development in educational practice; in addition, promote critical reflection in those supported to improve the teaching-learning processes and thus the planned academic results. Conclusions: The study concludes by recognizing that despite the inconveniences presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers, administrators and directors feel committed to their students and the community in general.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Frank Ángel Lemoine Quintero, Elizabeth del Carmen Ormaza Esmeraldas, Lilia Monserrate Villacis Zambrano

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