Formation of venturesome: experience in the subject emprendimiento and administration from the based learning in projects


  • Raquel Priscila Murillo Sánchez Unidad Educativa del cantón Durán, Ecuador
  • Raúl Alejandro Montes de Oca Celeiro Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador


entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship training, entrepreneurship education, Entrepreneurship and management subject, project-based learning (PBL)


Introduction: Entrepreneurship has great significance for the socioeconomic development of developing countries such as Ecuador, hence this topic is of interest to politicians, businessmen, researchers and teachers. There are relationships between education and entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education is one of the fundamental ways to train entrepreneurs. However, there is little interest in young people to undertake; a situation that has among its causes the insufficient use of the potential of the teaching-learning process and active methodologies, for the training of entrepreneurs, among other reasons due to insufficient preparation of teachers; this motivated the research developed with high school students, which identified as an objective to develop a methodological alternative based on PBL for the formation of entrepreneurial intention. Materials and methods: The research, of descriptive scope, was developed from a predominantly qualitative approach; Theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction were used to process the information obtained from the literature located in scientific articles published between 2020 and 2024, selected using the Google Scholar search engine using declared keywords as search descriptors. Results: The implementation of the socialization workshop and partial application of the alternative recognize the elaborated proposal and possibilities of socialization in other similar training contexts, aroused motivation and was very well received by the students. Discussion: Educating in entrepreneurship is important because there is not vast knowledge from the various subjects, it is necessary to transcend the disciplinary towards the areas of personal and social development for the world of productive activity, towards prospective and entrepreneurial thinking, which will improve learning levels. Therefore, the teacher must act in accordance with current challenges, modify criteria and provide methodological alternatives for the development of entrepreneurial students. In this sense, the potential of PBL must be exploited to educate in entrepreneurship. Conclusions: The designed alternative favored the methodological work of the subject, motivating both teachers and students, especially in project-based learning (PBL) for the formation of entrepreneurial intention.


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How to Cite

Murillo Sánchez, R. P., & Montes de Oca Celeiro, R. A. (2024). Formation of venturesome: experience in the subject emprendimiento and administration from the based learning in projects. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(4), 2396–2405. Retrieved from




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