Didactic proposal to promote the development of culture in environmental care in high school children


  • Diana Elizabeth Chávez Mendoza Escuela de Educación Básica Carlos Darwin de la Parroquia El Progreso, Ecuador
  • Geilert De la Peña Consuegra Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador
  • Leonardo Fabricio Chica Chica Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador


High School; Didactics; Environment; Environmental culture


Introduction: Environmental education is essential for children because it means that they become aware of the problems that threaten life on Earth due to environmental degradation at a global, national and regional level, it being pertinent to indicate that there is a problem that directly affects the environment due to poor development of culture in environmental care and lack of care for the natural environment. Objetive: This study aimed to design a didactic proposal to promote the development of a culture of environmental care in high school children at the Carlos Darwin Basic Education School. Materials and Methods: This research was directed under a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach of a descriptive type, working with theoretical methods such as deductive, analysis and synthesis, and empirical methods within which the interview and observation sheet were used. Results: Among the main results, it was identified that teachers do not apply participatory actions and activities that promote this value of taking care of the environment that surrounds them despite knowing its relevance. In the same way, it is stated that children like these activities and maintain the active interest in contributing to environmental care. Conclusions: the design of the proposal reflects the relevance in each of the activities because children are motivated to carry out activities that contribute to improving environmental care.


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How to Cite

Chávez Mendoza, D. E., De la Peña Consuegra, G., & Chica Chica , L. F. (2024). Didactic proposal to promote the development of culture in environmental care in high school children. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1092–1106. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6477




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