Play strategies for meaningful learning in the subject of Social Studies in eighth year students of the Antonio Parra Velasco Basic Education School


  • Cindy Lisbeth Suárez Armijo Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Edgar Vicente Pastrano Quintana Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador


recreational activity; learning; training; prior knowledge


Introduction: The objective of this research is to analyze recreational strategies and their relationship with meaningful learning in the subject of Social Studies in eighth-year basic education students at the Antonio Parra Velasco School. Materials and methods: For this process, a research with a quantitative and qualitative approach was applied, using the analytical-synthetic method, in the same way, a bibliographic research was carried out, as it was relevant to know the historical academic background of the institution, programs, operational plans, theories, concepts and approaches. For its part, the selected techniques were observation, interview with the manager and survey of teachers and students, using a questionnaire. In relation to the population, it was made up of a sample of 21 students and 11 teachers from the eighth year of basic education at the Antonio Parra Velasco School of the Mocache Canton. Results: Based on the results, 95% of the students consider that the application of playful strategies allows the improvement of significant learning and understanding of the subject of Social Studies, on the other hand; 95% thought that the playful strategy can be a good option for those students who have difficulties learning this subject. Discussion: It is considered appropriate to innovate teaching actions through the development of a teacher training plan oriented to the application of recreational strategies with the help of technology to improve the meaningful learning of students. Conclusions: It was evident that among its variety, gamification is a playful strategy that uses elements of games to motivate and engage students in their significant learning process in the subject of social studies. Likewise, it was evident that these strategies can positively influence the learning of the subject, arousing the active participation, interest and motivation of the students.


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How to Cite

Suárez Armijo, C. L., & Pastrano Quintana, E. V. (2024). Play strategies for meaningful learning in the subject of Social Studies in eighth year students of the Antonio Parra Velasco Basic Education School. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1032–1040. Retrieved from




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