Diagnosis of digital teaching skills in the university environment: a case study at the LusíadaUniversity of Luanda
ICT in education, blended learning, digital literacy, learning environments, teaching competenciesAbstract
This article addresses the detailed diagnosis of digital competencies of university teachers at the Lusíada University of Luanda, with the purpose of identifying insufficiencies in the integration of digital competencies in hybrid training environments. The study is conducted in a higher education institution in Angola; the exploratory diagnosis conducted in this specific context
reveals limitations in theteaching performance for the creative and transformative integration of digitization and virtuality in the training of these professionals. The methodology employed included quantitative and qualitative methods, such as observation of teaching performance and structured surveys, using as the main tool a questionnaire designed based on the Framework of teacher competencies in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) proposed by UNESCO in 2019, selecting a representative sample of university teachers, with the purpose of assessing the degree of familiarization and application of these competencies in the professional performance of teachers. The results revealed significant variability in the correspondence of teaching practices with institutional and national policies in the pedagogical use of ICT. It was concluded that there is a need to implement training strategies and continuous support to strengthen teaching practices in this direction, in order to promote a more inclusive educational environment aligned with institutional and national policies.
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Copyright (c) 2024 André Gimbe, José Raúl Morasen Cuevas, María Elena Pardo Gómez, Jorge Mesa Vazquez

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