Strategy for professionals´ of education training in the care of the hearing impaired children included

Strategy for professionals´ of education training in the care of the hearing impaired children included


  • Mayelin Comas-Garrido Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Nuris Avila Saint-Felix Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Félix Lázaro Huepp-Ramos Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


Educational inclusion, pshyco-pedagogical care, professional training


The demands of the transition process in special education determine that hearing impaired children transition to general education at the end of the sixth grade, needing psycho- pedagogical care that responds to their individual educational needs, the analysis of the progress of the process reveals the existence of recently graduated professionals who show a lack of preparation to work with this type of student. The work aims to socialize a strategy for professionals´ of   education training during the stage of preparation for employment, as methods were used analysis and synthesis for the evaluation of documents related to the subject and the modeling that allowed the design of the proposed pedagogical strategy that is provided. It favors the preparation of professionals for the educational care of the hearing impaired included.


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How to Cite

Comas-Garrido, M. ., Saint-Felix, N. A. ., & Huepp-Ramos, F. L. . (2022). Strategy for professionals´ of education training in the care of the hearing impaired children included: Strategy for professionals´ of education training in the care of the hearing impaired children included. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(4), 1538–1550. Retrieved from


