The social representations of the teaching profession in students from the first year in pedagogical careers
social representation; initial training; pedagogical careerAbstract
The present piece of work has as main objective to reflect about the social representations of the teaching profession on first year students of the pedagogical careers on it we read about elements linked to social representations that exist in students of initial training on the teaching profession. This is founded on the theory of the social representations presented by Moscovici and his followers who has given elements and enriched his play, it also shows the way theses social representation intervene in the educational practice and they influence on the training process in the pedagogical careers Spanish –Literature. It Is assumed a qualitative - quantitative methodology. It shown the obtained results thought the bibliography research and the application of semi structured interview to professors and students of the career we are dealing with. The study, is part of the a most wide project that is been developed around the training of professionals of education, that include the exploratory phase of the project.
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