Chromotherapy in special initial training: an approach to Martí's thought




language, disorder, teaching, color therapy


This article aims to summarize the use of color therapy as a technique for the development of language in early childhood education children «Theoretical-didactic conception applicable to the process of training children with language disorders in special education and initial education based on the use of the work of José Martí ». A system of theoretical, analytical and descriptive methods was applied, which complemented each other to obtain, process and present the necessary information. A diagnosis was made taking as a case study the population of children from the “Sonrisas del Mundo” children's circle to show the rate of children with language disorders based on three prevalent opinions. Statistical results showed that the study succeeds in establishing the guidelines for the use of chromotherapy in the development of language from the conception of Marti's thought.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2020). Chromotherapy in special initial training: an approach to Martí’s thought: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 261–272. Retrieved from

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