A cautious martian towards the language




Language, Aphorisms martianos, Culture


In the performance of Cuban education, every teacher must be aware of the importance of mastering their mother tongue because it is an inseparable part of their culture and, above all, of their professional skills and tools. It is a personalized responsibility to ensure this, so it is essential that, regardless of the subject taught by the teacher, you must be a good reader and a good communicator. In this way he would serve as an example to his students, as Master José Martí has been for all his followers. Marti's gifts as a speaker may have been questioned by some people who doubt so many aphorisms put in his name, but the one who through reading and research gets to know the Master's conception of language, would not hesitate for a second that that great talent of the language knew from his own perception to defend the correct use of language. That is why the present work investigates why we should not doubt Martí's loquacity and is raised through a proposal that leads to reflection towards the careful use of language through a Martian look.


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How to Cite

, & . (2020). A cautious martian towards the language: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 214–223. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/5276

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