Systematization of the theoretical foundations of the preparation for the performance of gastroenterologists in the early detection of gastric cancer




gastric cancer, gastroenterology, Cuban medicine


Gastroenterology, as a branch of medicine that deals with the study of the digestive system. It is a medical specialty, with a large instrumental component, which covers a wide field of knowledge of the medical sciences and is directly related to the functions of prevention, rehabilitation and cure of the different acute and chronic conditions of this system in healthy individuals and sick. This work aims to systematize the theoretical foundations that underpin the preparation for the performance of gastroenterologists in the early detection of gastric cancer.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2020). Systematization of the theoretical foundations of the preparation for the performance of gastroenterologists in the early detection of gastric cancer: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 17(3), 547–560. Retrieved from




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