The digital dynamic explorer LIC of the school library as a cultural prompter


  • Elaine Frómeta-Quintana
  • Jorge Mesa-Vázquez


Inadequate management and information management in school libraries limit exponentiation, through ICT, the development of comprehensive general culture of teachers, students and teachers in training in pre­university that is constituted as the problem research. This has as an aim the developing the CIL Explorer to enhance, the role of promoter of cultural at school libraries. The methods used include: analysis and synthesis, induction­ deduction, modelling, the systemic structural­functional, the dialectical­hermeneutic, the statistical survey and the workshop "Discussion Group". The shortcomings identified allowed to see the need and importance of developing the ICL Explorer to scale the role of cultural promoter of the school library at Senior High.



How to Cite

, & . (2016). The digital dynamic explorer LIC of the school library as a cultural prompter. Maestro Y Sociedad, 4(3). Retrieved from




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