Environmental educational management in preschool childhood


  • Yanisel Charón Danger Circulo Infantil “Espiguita”de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Ariolki Fumero Pérez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Marlene Esther Daley González Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


strategy, environmental development, environmental education, preschool childhood


Introduction: This paper arises from the shortcomings that occur in environmental education in preschool childhood that limit the comprehensive development of children. An educational strategy is presented, with the aim of contributing to the environmental education of preschool children that enhances their comprehensive development, based on the environmental educational management of families. Materials and methods: The research had a descriptive character, with a mixed approach, where the quantitative and qualitative were integrated in the analysis of the instruments applied in the diagnosis and validation of the proposal. Theoretical and empirical methods were used, such as analysis and synthesis, hermeneutic-dialectical, review of documents, observation, interviews and statistical mathematics, which provided the necessary information to base the scientific problem, arrive at diagnostic conclusions and propose the educational strategy. Results: The strategy includes actions, structured in three stages, which enable the transformation of the environmental educational management of families to influence preschool children. The results achieved reveal the current state of the joint work between the educational institution, the family and the community, as well as the influences of these on environmental education in preschool childhood. The proposal provides actions from the strategy that favor the integral development of these children. Discussion: The attention to preschool children for the development of environmental educational management is an expression of the search for the various difficulties that emerge in the environmental education process from the current educational context. It constitutes a tool to strengthen the Cuban educational system. Conclusions: The validation of the proposed educational strategy allowed to corroborate its relevance for the development of environmental educational management of families, from its logical and coherent structuring and the variety of activities designed from the proposed workshops, which will influence the integral formation of preschool children.


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How to Cite

Charón Danger, Y., Fumero Pérez, A., & Daley González, M. E. (2025). Environmental educational management in preschool childhood. Maestro Y Sociedad, 22(1), 218–230. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6765




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