Neurodidactic strategy for the care of schoolchildren with Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD)


  • Nelly Hodelin Amable Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Mireya Stefanía Zúñiga Delgado Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador


Neurodidactics, attention deficit, pedagogical tools


Introduction: There are different studies and research on attention deficit disorder (ADD), which is a neurobiological condition characterized by inattention, impulsiveness, excessive motor restlessness, affects the academic, emotional, and social process of the student; for this reason the objective of this research article was to describe the attention deficit of first grade students at the Clemencia Granda Romero school as a way of presenting a neurodidactic tool to improve the condition of the population under study. Materials and methods: In this sense, it is a quantitative objective; the scope is descriptive and applicative, the field design is non-experimental, the method was Inductive-Deductive, Analytical-Synthetic. The population under study is a total of 15 children and the sample is 4 first grade children and their teacher, the information collection techniques were interview and observation. Results: It was found that students have attention deficit since they have difficulty keeping up with tasks, lose their belongings, and have little interaction with their peers. The teacher stated that he was not trained to address these students and recognized the value of neurodidactic tools. Discussion: Given this reality, a proposal for a neurodidactic tool was presented to reduce attention deficit in first grade students based on play to improve some symptoms of the disorder, consisting of five activities, two of which are mediated by technology. Conclusions: It is concluded that neurodidactic tools that start from the identification of the population under study contribute significantly to the reduction of attention deficit in children.


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How to Cite

Hodelin Amable, N., & Zúñiga Delgado, M. S. (2024). Neurodidactic strategy for the care of schoolchildren with Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD). Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1476–1487. Retrieved from


