Use of TACS and their relationship with the human talent management module of the San Carlos Educational Unit


  • Jenniffer Vanessa Chavarría Barberán Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • María Leonor Campana Deca Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Janeth del Carmen Flores Carrillo Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Sulay María Sampedro Mackliff Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador


human talent, teaching, technological resources


Introduction: In order to contribute to the improvement of teaching work at the San Carlos Educational Unit, this educational development project is carried out, whose main objective is to analyze the use of ICT in the Human Talent Management training module in Third Year Accounting students of the Technical Baccalaureate in the 2021-2022 academic period, considering that the application of technologies in the teaching-learning process facilitates the transmission of knowledge and the interaction between teachers and students. Materials and methods: The research used a qualitative-quantitative and field approach methodology, which made it possible to obtain information from primary sources for analysis and interpretation. The research was exploratory and descriptive, which allowed to recognize the actors involved, the bibliographic analysis of previous research and to point out the characteristics of the problem; As research techniques and instruments, direct observation was used, where the daily actions of teachers and students could be known. A survey was applied to teachers in the technical services area and to students to determine the level of employability of digital resources in the educational process, allowing to establish a teacher training plan as a solution proposal, which helps in the identification, selection and use of digital tools in a creative and efficient way. Results: The review of the scientific theory made it possible to determine the importance of using technologies in the training of students, since they facilitate the teaching-learning process, enhancing in them the development of competencies and skills useful for their personal life and professional future. Discussion: The teacher training plan is of great significance for the technical area of the institution, because the application of technological tools such as: web browsers, Mindmeister, Canva and Kahoot, help the teacher to reach the student in a dynamic way, which allows the student to better assimilate the knowledge, achieving a greater understanding of the contents taught. Conclusions: In conclusion, this research helped educators to better adapt to new educational scenarios and to enhance the digital skills of third-year high school students.


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How to Cite

Chavarría Barberán, J. V., Campana Deca, M. L., Flores Carrillo, J. del C., & Sampedro Mackliff, S. M. (2024). Use of TACS and their relationship with the human talent management module of the San Carlos Educational Unit. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1270–1279. Retrieved from




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