System of activities to contribute to the active participation of parents in the teaching-learning process of the students of the “Dr. José María Velasco Ibarra”


  • Nora Vaneza Jimenez Troya Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Jessica Victoria Frías Córdova Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Katia Lisset Fernández Rodríguez Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Wilber Ortiz Aguilar Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador


Parental participation, Collaboration, Teaching-learning process, Activity system and academic performance


Introduction: The scientific article addressed the relevance of collaboration between school and families in the teaching-learning process of students at the "Dr. José María Velasco Ibarra" Elementary Basic Education School. The objective of the study was to design a system of activities to encourage parental participation in the teaching-learning process. Materials and methods: The methodological design applied was intended to address practical problems and improve parental participation in education, along with a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach to collect detailed data. In addition, a cross-sectional study was used to validate the effectiveness of the educational strategies used, ensuring their pedagogical relevance. Results: The results showed that most teachers used technologies in a moderate way, with 22% demonstrating active use and 12% with low use. A lack of parental involvement in the teaching-learning process was identified, which negatively impacted the academic performance and comprehensive development of students. Discussion: The proposal consisted of implementing a system of activities that encourages collaboration between school and families, promoting a more enriching educational environment focused on student success. Conclusions: The conclusions highlighted the importance of strengthening collaboration between school and families to improve students' educational success. The need to implement strategies to encourage active participation of parents was emphasized, recognizing their positive influence on academic performance and emotional well-being of students. It was suggested to establish effective communication mechanisms and promote parental involvement in educational decision-making to create a more enriching school environment focused on the comprehensive development of students.


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How to Cite

Jimenez Troya, N. V., Frías Córdova, J. V., Fernández Rodríguez, K. L., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. (2024). System of activities to contribute to the active participation of parents in the teaching-learning process of the students of the “Dr. José María Velasco Ibarra”. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1211–1225. Retrieved from




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