Didactic strategy to strengthen the teaching-learning process of addition and subtraction operations in second grade students of the elementary sublevel


  • Shirley Mireya Cárdenas Reyes Unidad Educativa “Juan Pío Montúfar” de Quito, Ecuador
  • María Magdalena Loor Zambrano Unidad Educativa “José Joaquín de Olmedo” de Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Katia Lisset Fernández Rodríguez Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Wilber Ortiz Aguilar Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador


strategy, teaching strategy, addition operation, subtraction operation


Introduction: The research addresses calculation operations in the second grade and its objective is to develop a didactic strategy to strengthen the teaching-learning process of addition and subtraction operations in second grade students of the Elementary sublevel in the “Juan Pío Montúfar” Educational Unit, which delimits the field of action to the teaching-learning process of addition and subtraction operations. Materials and methods: The research is developed from a quantitative approach with a descriptive scope, it is also supported from a strategic point of view in field work through the use, mainly, of techniques such as survey, direct pedagogical observation and documentary review. in addition to theoretical methods. Two pedagogical tests were applied, the first allowed us to verify the identified problem and the second the effectiveness of the didactic strategy. Results: The results obtained in the research show a significant impact of the didactic strategy to strengthen the teaching-learning process of addition and subtraction operations in second grade students in the “Juan Pío Montúfar” Educational Unit. An increase in the academic performance of the students who were intervened with the application of the teaching strategy was observed. Discussion: This corroborates what Gastón Mialaret (1986) warned that learning addition and subtraction is not something spontaneous but a process that unfolds in different stages. Conclusions: The teaching strategy represents an important contribution to the field of educational research in general and mathematics education in particular


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How to Cite

Cárdenas Reyes, S. M., Loor Zambrano, M. M., Fernández Rodríguez , K. L., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. (2024). Didactic strategy to strengthen the teaching-learning process of addition and subtraction operations in second grade students of the elementary sublevel . Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 300–312. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6367




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