Integrative Method of Processing, Visualization, and Communication of Social Information


  • Taimé Mayet Comerón Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Isabel Alonso Berenguer Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Alexander Gorina Sánchez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Lidia de las Mercedes Ferrer Tellez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


information visualization, knowledge, social sciences, integrated method, research performance


Introduction: The visualization of information and knowledge in social sciences is essential to understand the hidden meaning of data and facilitate the communication of research results. However, its application in the training of professionals in these disciplines has been limited, affecting their research performance. With the aim of addressing this problem, an Integrative Method was developed that combines the processing, visualization and communication of social information. Materials and methods: This approach, based on a functional structural systemic framework and built on a previous model, incorporates processing techniques and visualization strategies. Results: The method was validated and evaluated in a pilot study, showing significant improvements in the clarity, understandability and accessibility of the visualizations. Discussion: The Integrative Method improves the understanding and accessibility of research results, which facilitates the dissemination and application of the findings in different contexts. Furthermore, by using innovative visualization strategies, the method can generate a more significant impact on the audience and encourage greater participation and interaction with the social information presented. Conclusions: It is concluded that this Integrative Method represents a valuable tool for communicating research results in social sciences, with a potential scientific impact by facilitating the dissemination and application of findings in different contexts.


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How to Cite

Mayet Comerón, T., Alonso Berenguer, I., Gorina Sánchez, A., & Ferrer Tellez, L. de las M. (2024). Integrative Method of Processing, Visualization, and Communication of Social Information. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 160–174. Retrieved from


