Improvement strategy to improve the professional performance of teachers in the nursing career

Improvement strategy to improve the professional performance of teachers in the nursing career


  • Onnis del Río Pérez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Alicia Susana Tamayo del Río Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


professional improvement, nursing teacher, pedagogical culture, improvement strategy


Introduction: The need to improve the performance of the Nursing professor, as well as the development of pedagogical
skills to solve the main problems in praxis, has been the subject of numerous investigations whose purpose is to satisfy
social demands in the various scenarios of professional performance. Objective: elaboration of an improvement strategy
for the development of pedagogical culture in the nursing teachers of the medical sciences branch of Palma Soriano
to improve their educational performance. Materials and Methods: Methods of the theoretical and empirical level
were used, such as: synthetic analytical in the characterization of the object, historical-logical, inductive-deductive;
documentary analysis for the study of specialized literature on the subject and interviews with professionals, among
others. Results: Indicator 1.1 referred to the level of pedagogical knowledge shows that 4 (40%) teachers present a high level, at a medium level 6 (60%) teachers and no low level teachers; indicator 2.4 refers to the level of application
of educational methods and procedures, 6 (60%) teachers reach a high level, 3 (30%) medium level teachers and 1
(10%) low level teacher and indicator 2.9 refers to the degree of transformation of the modes of professional action, no
higher degree is observed in 8 (80%) teachers, medium degree is observed in 2 (20%) teachers and low degree in no
teacher. Discussion: As a professional improvement strategy, what was said by Armiñana and Lozada is assumed, who
state that they constitute an objective and contextualized work tool that contains improvement actions for professional
improvement. These solve needs for improvement and respond to the dialectical contradictions that are generated
in the performance of an activity. Conclusions: The professional improvement strategy has a dynamic and staggered
interaction of the actions in each of the stages in correspondence with the characteristics and allowed to consider the
relevance of the use of technologies in the process of professional improvement to enhance and expand the effect and
scope of postgraduate education forms used in order to improve the educational performance of nursing teachers.


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How to Cite

del Río Pérez, O., & Tamayo del Río, A. S. (2023). Improvement strategy to improve the professional performance of teachers in the nursing career: Improvement strategy to improve the professional performance of teachers in the nursing career. Maestro Y Sociedad, 361–374. Retrieved from



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