Axiological values and their incidence in the teaching-learning process in the students of the "Jorge Carrera Andrade" Basic Education School

Axiological values and their incidence in the teaching-learning process in the students of the "Jorge Carrera Andrade" Basic Education School


  • Oscar Lenin Briones Cortez Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Hamilton Joshue Ballesteros Coello Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Edgar Vicente Pastrano Quintana Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Limber David Mejia Ortega Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador


Values, axiology, teaching, learning, education


Introduction: Axiological values currently call for great social interest in the field of educational levels in the country. The purpose of this development project is to analyze the axiological values and their incidence in the teaching-learning process in order to develop actions that contribute to the improvement of personal self-esteem in the school environment. Materials and methods: The variables of research and scientific articles from different contexts were described theoretically, the principles of axiology were considered, theoretical references based on the formation in values. In addition, the exploratory-descriptive field methodology is used to collect information and proceed when applying a survey to teachers and students and an interview with the manager. Results: The diagnosis of the current situation of the relationship between axiological values and their incidence in the teaching-learning process of seventh grade students, allowed the design of a training plan aimed at teachers with participation in the dynamics of the students of the "Jorge Carrera Andrade" Basic Education School, whose results served to strengthen education in values that will allow the improvement of school coexistence in the classroom and contribute to strengthening respect, love in the educational community and its social environment. . Discussion: Bullying is a behavior that socially affects one or more people who are being victims of the unjustified hatred of the aggressor(s). This type of problem generally occurs in an environment of school and work interaction and is associated with cultural, religious, political, economic and demographic diversity. Conclusions: The evaluation of the teacher training plan allowed to verify the degree of effectiveness and relevance after the process and that the assimilated contents should be considered in the curricular activities in the future and to know the degree of acceptance of the teacher with a very favorable impact on their stake.


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How to Cite

Briones Cortez, O. L., Ballesteros Coello, H. J., Pastrano Quintana, E. V., & Mejia Ortega, L. D. (2023). Axiological values and their incidence in the teaching-learning process in the students of the "Jorge Carrera Andrade" Basic Education School: Axiological values and their incidence in the teaching-learning process in the students of the "Jorge Carrera Andrade" Basic Education School. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 835–844. Retrieved from


