Recovery of tangible heritage as an alternative to social development in Anconcito Parish

Recovery of tangible heritage as an alternative to social development in Anconcito Parish


  • Segundo Benjamín Henríquez Tomalá Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Benjamín Wilson León Valle Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador


ecosystems, capacity building, correlational, descriptive, social development


Introduction: The socioeconomic and cultural dynamics in the communities make it necessary to motivate the appropriate use and access to heritage assets, so that participation, rescue of ancestral customs and better interaction between inhabitants and authorities are promoted; The purpose of this paper is to explain the importance of recovering the tangible heritage of the Anconcito parish. Materials and methods: The research designed a quantitative part consisting of descriptive and correlational development, in which the statistical link between the study variables is verified by applying the parametric or non-parametric relationship test, on the other hand. , the qualitative part, is based on the understanding of the research problem formulated under techniques, such as the semi-structured interview, to obtain information. Results: The results obtained through the review of secondary information were complemented with primary information (observation, surveys carried out) generating the first referential framework. Discussion: The relationship between culture and tourism constitutes a key factor for the generation of local development, favoring innovation, creativity and respecting identity, cultural diversity and authenticity, as well as strategies for poverty reduction. Conclusions: Explaining the way to promote the recovery of the tangible heritage of the Anconcito parish, evidence that in the Rural Parish of Anconcito its activities have been diversified insufficiently, for which a training program is required to promote the recovery of tangible heritage.


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How to Cite

Henríquez Tomalá, S. B., & León Valle, B. W. (2023). Recovery of tangible heritage as an alternative to social development in Anconcito Parish: Recovery of tangible heritage as an alternative to social development in Anconcito Parish. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 631–639. Retrieved from


