Digital didactic medium for knowledge management in the virtual health classroom

Digital didactic medium for knowledge management in the virtual health classroom


  • Andro Denni Hernández Garbey Facultad de Medicina No. 2 de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • José Fernando Carvajal Beltrán Facultad de Medicina No. 2 de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Alina Palacios Veranes Facultad de Medicina No. 2 de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Onnis Del Río Pérez Filial de Ciencias Médicas Julio Trigo de Palma Soriano, Cuba


Digital didactic medium, knowledge management, virtual health classroom, students, teachers


Introduction: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have become a powerful tool that favors the realization of educational processes that take place in Higher Education, hence the rupture of space-time barriers has occurred in which face-to-face and distance learning has been transformed. Materials and methods: The purpose of the research was the development of an educational mobile application that enables the preparation for knowledge management in students of the Medicine career in the virtual health classroom. For this, theoretical, empirical and statistical mathematical methods were used. Results: In this sense, it is assumed that learning occurs in a non-real physical space, that is, in a virtual space, which strengthens the quality and diversity of learning experiences in the classroom so that they can be used both in face-to-face, semi-face-to-face or remotely. Discussion: These results reveal that there is a correspondence between the indicators resulting from the surveys of students and teachers, confirming the need to promote knowledge management in activities and resources in virtual health classrooms with a more systematic use and increase activities, interactive and resources in your employment. In the same way, they confirm the relevance of the scientific problem raised and the inescapability of developing a digital didactic medium that enables the management of knowledge in the students of the Medicine career in the virtual health classroom. Conclusions: It is concluded that the proposal of the EvaTutor educational mobile application for the Virtual Health Classroom contributed significantly, from its simplicity and ease of navigation, to knowledge management in Medicine students, which becomes in an important link for their training, especially when the management is carried out from technologies such as cell phones.


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How to Cite

Hernández Garbey, A. D., Carvajal Beltrán, J. F., Palacios Veranes, A., & Del Río Pérez, O. (2023). Digital didactic medium for knowledge management in the virtual health classroom: Digital didactic medium for knowledge management in the virtual health classroom. Maestro Y Sociedad, 6–13. Retrieved from



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