Dynamics of the process of articulation of substantive functions with society in the environment of the State Technical University of Quevedo




teaching, research, relationship with society, dynamics, articulation


The research focuses in a bibliographic review for the dynamics of the process of articulation of the substantive functions: teaching, research and connection with society in the environment of the State Technical University of Quevedo, based on a didactic model of dynamics, which contributes to solving professional problems for students. In the research, the methods of analysis and synthesis and induction-deduction will be applied. The Historical-Logical Analysis: which will make it possible to characterize the object of study and the field of action of the research in its historical evolution, as well as, the identification of the main trends that mark said development. Among the empirical techniques, the following were used: observation, survey, interview, documentary analysis, content analysis, pedagogical test, to obtain information in tasks related to diagnostic and historical-trend studies and during the process followed for the scientific evaluation of the proposals.


1. Borrero, A. (2008). La universidad. Estudios sobre sus orígenes, dinámicas y tendencias: Vol. 1. Historia universitaria: la universidad en Europa desde sus orígenes hasta la Revolución Francesa. Santiago de Cali: Pontifica Universidad Javeriana.
2. Carrera, A. y Suayter, I. (2007). Origen y Evolución de la Educación Superior. V Encuentro Nacional y II latinoamericano La Universidad Como Objeto de Investigación. Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia. Obtenido de http://inter27.unsl.edu.ar/rapes/download.php?id=832
3. CESALC/UNESCO. (1995). Política para el cambio y el desarrollo de la Educación Superior: resumen ejecutivo.
4. Delors, J., Amagi, I., Carneiro, R., Chung, F., Geremek, B., Gorham, W., &Stavenhagen, R. (1997).
5. Fabre. (2005). Las funciones sustantivas de la universidad y su articulación en un departamento docente.
6. In V Congreso Internacional Virtual de Educación. Cuba: Universidad Agraria de La Habana.
7. La educación encierra un tesoro: informe para la UNESCO de la Comisión Internacional sobre la Educación para el Siglo Veintiuno
8. Lugo, L. R. (2007). Formación integral: desarrollo intelectual, emocional, social y ético de los estudiantes. Universidad de Sonora, 1-3.Quevedo



How to Cite

, , & . (2022). Dynamics of the process of articulation of substantive functions with society in the environment of the State Technical University of Quevedo: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(1), 357–364. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/5504




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