Theoretical considerations on the dynamics of the teaching-learning process of Zoology in the career of Agricultural Engineering




Animal kingdorn, dynamics, teaching, learning, zoology


The research responds to the need to solve the methodological insufficiencies in the treatment of the content of the animal kingdom, which limit its appropriation integrated by the students of the Agricultural Engineering career. The objective is to develop a system of procedures, based on a didactic model of the dynamics of the teaching-learning process in the subject Zoology, which favors the integrated appropriation of the content of the animal kingdom. It is proposed, as a theoretical contribution, a didactic model and from the practical point of view, a system of procedures that is implemented through objectives, actions for teachers and operations by students. Research methods of the theoretical, empirical and statistical level will be applied. The results that will be obtained will make it possible to affirm that they will contribute and solve the shortcomings that limit the integrated appropriation of the content by the students.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2021). Theoretical considerations on the dynamics of the teaching-learning process of Zoology in the career of Agricultural Engineering: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 265–274. Retrieved from



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