Peru's role facing virtual education and new challenges by the Covid-19 pandemic




Virtual Education, ICT, COVID-19, educational quality


The Peruvian state assumes that the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies into education requires thinking in advance about the objectives and challenges of education and subsequently determining in what way and under what conditions the presence of ICT contributes to it, in the context of COVID-19. The objective of this article is to determine the meaning of virtual education and the role of the Peruvian state that allows it to contribute more directly to improve educational quality from the challenges posed by the pandemic. The research is documentary and of an explanatory level that searches for information selectively in the sources available on the web. It is concluded that the Peruvian state must finance the development of significant, pertinent and sufficient digital content, as well as the training of teachers so that they have the necessary skills to use it.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2021). Peru’s role facing virtual education and new challenges by the Covid-19 pandemic: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(3), 1105–1119. Retrieved from


