Interactive unconventional sports activities in Physical Education classes. Guayaquil experience




Program, games, unconventional sport, interactive activities, Physical Education


The present work is the result of research based on professional practice in relation to the Physical Education subject as one of the disciplines that influence the integral formation of the personality from interactive activities of unconventional sports that are proposed from the objective of applying a strengthening program in the teaching of physical education in the baccalaureate section of the Guayaquil Fiscal College through the use of non-conventional sports disciplines that favor the practice of physical activity among students, diversifying their recreational-sports options, for a correct use of free time inside and outside the institution. The methods are combined both behaviorists and constructivists to account for how much the subject changes when through the game their motivations and expectations are taken into account: increased attendance rates of reported students, significant advances in interpersonal relationships and teamwork, sports performance and strengthening of physical skills.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2021). Interactive unconventional sports activities in Physical Education classes. Guayaquil experience: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(3), 1095–1104. Retrieved from




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